Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Welcome Letter To New Members

My favorite movie, a life lesson. Blair is the style

O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has every storm, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O bleeding drops of red Deck
Where is my Captain lies
Fallen cold and dead.

Dead poet society is a film directed by Peter Weir, was released in 1989.
The story centers on the transfer must of Mr. Keating in a traditional male college and its teaching method conversational, confidential.
From the first lesson he orders his students to rip the first 50 pages of the book, and conducts classes in a "bizarre" trying to bring out the best from each of them.
His message is simple and effective, as the verses of this poem " Take the rose when it is time you know that time flies, and the same flower that blooms today, tomorrow fade " that recites in front of a wall full of black and white photos of former students now dead and says," because the poet uses these verses? because we are food for vermi.Perchè, strange to say, everyone in this room a respirare.Diventerà day stop cold, and morirà.Guardate these faces from the past, they have seen a thousand times, but I do not think they've ever guardati.Questi guys now are fertilizer for the fiori.Sentiteli whisper their warning: CARPE DIEM ! MAKE YOUR LIFE EXTRAORDINARY!. "Yeah, could not resist the allure of Mr. Keating, and I always wanted to see him as a professor.
This wonderful film, now that I know by heart because having it in the box ' i went to see him in power, taught me to stand in the world, never miss a moment, why is it so no one knows when they will leave, and if we feel today so invincible, we are food for worms one day.
That's whispering "carpe diem! You make your lives extraordinary" I often come to mind ... while running on the motorway and then slow down. Or while I'm about to take a crap. And then think.
I dreamed of going to a cave as his students to read the poems of Byron, Emerson, Thoreau: "I went into the woods because I wanted to live in wisdom and deep, sucking all the marrow of life, and rout all what is not life, and not to notice, at death, not to be ever lived. " These poets belong to the romanticism U.S., a current for the Italians, completely unknown from the time when you study at school barely our poets, and even a bloody rag of the French poets (for the reading of which would require a basic knowledge of French), Byron or someone might mistake for the referee infamous.
Oh no, the real Byron, Lord Byron, was one of the greatest exponents of English Romanticism, coming to die in the attempt to help the Greeks during the war of independence against the Ottoman Empire .
However, romance is the current historic win for me at all, the most interesting, the most fertile, the most engaging and the film focuses on it and on the ideal of Horace's Carpe diem.
Carpe Diem, which is not live for pleasure or for excess, but to live with awareness, build and try to improve continuously.

" or me, O life!
questions like these haunt me
endless processions of infidels
crowded city fools
that there is new about this?
O me, O life!
Answer: that you're here.
that life exists and identity
that the powerful play goes
and that you can contribute a verse . "


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