Sunday, October 31, 2010

New Salon Introduction Letter

you like me now?

"And so the lies finally converted on his deathbed, the pious libertine, I had no half-measures it? Give me the wine and after the 'last straw throw the empty bottle in the world , show our Lord and will go up in agony on the cross to take away and put the nails in the palms. Here I am, that the world m'allontano fatigue, my saliva dripping on a Bible, a look in the eye of the needle and I see angels dance. Well you like me now? "Do you like me now?" Do you like me now? "

-the libertine

mad at me are the instincts that you can not suppress.
excess is a way of life every thing and every moment.
There are things that ordinary people can not understand.

Why I love this monologue? dangerous because it reminds me of what they are made.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Ringworm In Black People


"The ultimate purpose of cultural education is not scholarship, but action" Herbert Spencer

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thank You Southern Slang

BERLUSCONI E 'is suspected of having raped a minor?

A Open Studio today we talk about Halloween , skirts, wedding of Canalis ... since they have failed to report the news of the day, I invite you all to share or copy and paste this in your sentence state, website or blog to help Studio Open to remedy its omission: BERLUSCONI IS INVESTIGATED for raping a minor sessuale-su-una-minorenne/58140_cronaca_2.html

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Eat Questionnaire On Fast Food

Unfortunately, I live in a country of troglodytes-catholic shamanic

" The body is what puts man in touch with the world *. Let me repeat that, according to contemporary philosophy, the 'Man has no body, but is a body. "
Remo Bodei

* In fact, the body puts itself in touch with the world (experiences), with the result to produce structures in the memory of symbols and meanings (experience) which will result in their dynamic experience of the mind, often confused with the 'I'.
(Note the author of the blog)

Can You Still Be Pregnant If Cervix Is Low


To avoid congestion,

females are allowed to fall in love with Don Luke only on alternate days.

Those with an equal number of years they may fall in love with Don Luke on even days, those with an odd number of years will fall in love with Don Luke on odd days.

Thanks for your cooperation, and good day!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Jenna Haze Is Retarded

custard tart with fresh fruit

for the pastry
2 eggs 600 gr flour
250 g butter 200 g sugar

grated lemon peel
a tablespoon of brandy or rum

for cream

6 egg yolks 50 grams of flour
30 g butter 180 g sugar

lemon peel
1 / 2 cups milk

ingedienti Mix all and knead the dough until it is homogeneous and compact, putting to rest for half an hour in the fridge wrapped in greaseproof paper.
In a saucepan, boil the milk with lemon peel and vanilla, and let cool in a bowl, mix the other ingredients and flour. Then add milk and let go on a low heat, stirring to avoid creating lumps at some point the cream begins to thicken and turn off.
Take the dough from the refrigerator and place in buttered baking dish, spread over the cream and bake in preheated oven for 30-40 minutes at 160 degrees.
When it is ready, garnish with fruit and cover fruit jelly (found in supermarkets in packets).
This is my

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Changing My Name On My Mac


One evening, returning home, I felt a hand grab me in the dark.
:-not scream or I'll slit your throat ahahha
I was paralyzed and could not move, even when taken by a rape.
I was 21, he was drunk, not much bigger than me. I do not denounced for shame, and perhaps because even then for me the pain that the court would have imposed, would not be enough to satiate my revenge.
It did not say any of this, even my husband, even my children and my grandchildren.
I took the secret to the grave ...
At that age still working, I could not decide what to do with my life, but after that night, everything was clear to me. I enrolled in law school, continuing to work to keep studying.
I inquired about him, was the son of an accountant well known in the area, especially the tricks he did. He was drinking and taking drugs, despite being physically obscene was full of whores because the money did not lack and had only one brother, who was also a lover Drug and both enrolled at the Economics Faculty at 60 km from the city.
Over the years, my success increased in proportion to their failures, I graduated with honors, I practice in the study of a good lawyer and thirty years I was the prosecutor.
He married a Polish woman and had a son, while his brother was in and out of detoxification centers.
The mother however, a few years before I won the contest, had contracted a bowel cancer, and among many of my friends there was one who was an oncologist at the clinic where it is cured.
:-remember the time they were going to sue you and I have managed to close the case?
I told him one evening at my house over a bottle of wine, smiling.
:-of course, how could I forget, I will be indebted to life.
:-yes, you are. And I think it's time you give me back the favor.
I lit a cigar that I had just brought from Cuba.
:-anything for you.
His worship was not born from nothing, as worship is never born out of nothing of this kind by any man.
He loved me, and I knew it.
:-c 'is a patient in your department. His name is xxxxx Well, its time has come, let it be in the most painful way possible.
was terrified.
Ah, but what ..
I walked up a hand to her cheek.
:-you do for me.
administers a drug to which he was allergic, and died while visiting his family while his intestines sizzled as if he was digesting a powerful acid. I regretted not having just witnessed the scene of the son, in tears, shouted in the corridor and help His mother died in her arms.
C'est la vie.
Between hectic work every day, I met an accountant under investigation for fraud, was too good to end up behind bars, I decided it was better in my bed. Forever, and we got married.
My life was happy, and my love for him was proportional to hatred for the man who had raped me, and then we can deduce that my husband was a happy man.
He helped me to embed my victim, after his father became a chartered accountant, and it was me to take care of the investigations, picking up right and left so much evidence to keep him in jail for twenty years.
And they gave him 15 years. I waved, and took him to court on.
was then the turn of the wife, so poor thing alone, after the arrest of her husband, provident and I get it from a console my old friend, a bachelor farmer who raised it to live with him in Brazil.
So my rapist was eating the liver and the heart behind bars, had fallen into depression when his wife had left him, his life was almost completely destroyed.
Almost, because he was still a child, the light in her eyes that would one day become a criminal like his father. And I had to stop it.
I informed monthly on your health, we wanted him to live long enough to see each other all their lives destroyed in the most absolute way.
The son was 19 when I decided that he had lived long enough, and sent a good man to get him out.
was a September evening, stretched along the sofa I was listening to "one hour you would like" sipping my favorite wine, a Chateau Margaux 1995.
The stereo singing ".. to tell you what you do not know .."
And the boy was assaulted on the street
I smiled
The boy was in a panic
"and at this time would I give ..."
The blade that came into the skin, the scene reminiscent of "Judith and Holofernes" of gentile
"My life for you"
and the blood spurting from the arteries, painting the wall in front of it was,
"I do not see the world when I think of you"
Latest cries of pain "noooo I do not want to die! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nooo! "
" I see your eyes your in my "I smile to the lips the cup port, and is the poison that flows through my veins
not scream anymore, now are just gasps before ending up completely to the ground bleeding, the body has long been abandoned by his murderess .
"ONE HOUR YOU WANT ... ...." I'm happy.

I went to visit him in prison, and after the death of his son had gone mad. I went to look at, to enjoy what I was capable of destroying start to finish, inside and outside the life of a man.
I had destroyed the eyes of the world,
I had destroyed as a person,
I had destroyed as a man.
I looked at was an old fool who drooled and said nonsense.
The best part? Not made me any trouble.

Why Do Guys Grow Out Pinky Nails

fuck ...

fuck who you program your life even before you born
fuck who judges your life choices without having any right
fuck the communists with the billions in bank
fuck those who attend private schools, they feel superior because they pay
fuck who does not ever put into question
fuck you to those who have delusions of omnipotence
fuck families that meet only at lunch and dinner and lunch and dinner only hear the tv.
Fuck those subjects in school that you have made life impossible, and the professors who have done the same thing
drunk fuck the Roma who have nothing to lose, to show leadership and make out our compatriots twice a week, I'm not afraid to say who should die skinned alive at 2 years, in order to prevent the massacre of my brothers
fuck you do not believe in that shit, you confess atheist cause it's cool, you blame the government without even knowing how to call the ministers and vent your personal frustrations about Berlusconi
minka fuck girls in the career they hope to reach 50 years as Samantha Jones does not realize that if pluck the cancer, there is no one holding her hand in the hospital
fuck the immigrants who come here to commit crimes, and those who say that there are criminals among the Italians, who sin in proportion to one of our there are 100 of them.
Fuck the blacks in parking lots, the Jehovah's Witnesses oppose blood transfusions, the gypsy who harass you on the subway, go to work cock.
Fuck those shit channel 5 programs, friends, men and women, big brother and afternoon 5
fuck you to those who sing with his throat to mimic the black, are now so fashionable, but you can not hear
fuck critics of the sex lives of the people, I think that everyone in your bed is free to do whatever he wants.
Fuck those who betray
fuck who is pro-abortion, do not judge a person on the policy choices, but those ethics because it's like to be in favor of the death penalty, except that the offender adult has been tried and did something for which deserve death, the child is innocent and has no entries in this chapter.
Fuck the zodiac signs on facebook
fuck off the line on the highway
fuck child molesters and rapists, and the police that protect them from the crowd when they could go and have a coffee and let them fuck the lynch
commentators on TV, including Pino Scotto, who says the right things but his music really sucks
fuck you you're a monster and you think I envy you, keep believing.
Fuck the cashier at the supermarket that gives me anxiety
fuck you that my work do not know shit and dare you criticize me
fuck these people who suddenly writer like fabio flight and Moccia, only write so much crap to ruin even better the next generation
fuck you to those who destroy the dreams
fuck who does not take its responsibility
fuck those fucking righteous who speak from hearsay
fuck men who care more than women, are only the queens.
Fuck parents
pain in the ass fuck I'm fucking hero Giuliani

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Volleyball Jump Suits


" From the beginning of the world there was no one else with my mind, my heart, my eyes, my ears, my hands in my hair, my mouth. No one before me, no one alive today after me and no one can walk, talk, move and think exactly like me. All men are my brothers, but I am different from each other.
am a unique creature. They are the greatest miracle of nature ... I'll never make vain attempts to imitate others. Conversely I will stand my uniqueness. I will begin to emphasize my differences, hide my similarities ... I am a unique creature. "
Og Mandino

Red Eastern Trail Diggers

Who does not love sleeping ...

The great part is when I get sick of the free time to do what I like: watching TV, around the house with cups of hot milk, but also spend hours on Facebook ... read what I think.
And today I finished this wonderful book that I recommend to everyone (not that it took a lot, is very short).
I found it by accident one day in the library .. I was only 10 euro in my pocket and we had to pay for the dinner, as when Carrie says "The first night I spent in NY I bought Vogue instead of my dinner."
It certainly was a bargain, because this book is worth a lot, is a rare gem.
There is nothing in advance about the plot, I have taken with your eyes closed, knowing that he spoke only of a young man with perfect pitch and this love for music ... and was enough for me.
So, happy reading!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Welcome Letter To New Members

My favorite movie, a life lesson. Blair is the style

O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has every storm, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O bleeding drops of red Deck
Where is my Captain lies
Fallen cold and dead.

Dead poet society is a film directed by Peter Weir, was released in 1989.
The story centers on the transfer must of Mr. Keating in a traditional male college and its teaching method conversational, confidential.
From the first lesson he orders his students to rip the first 50 pages of the book, and conducts classes in a "bizarre" trying to bring out the best from each of them.
His message is simple and effective, as the verses of this poem " Take the rose when it is time you know that time flies, and the same flower that blooms today, tomorrow fade " that recites in front of a wall full of black and white photos of former students now dead and says," because the poet uses these verses? because we are food for vermi.Perchè, strange to say, everyone in this room a respirare.Diventerà day stop cold, and morirà.Guardate these faces from the past, they have seen a thousand times, but I do not think they've ever guardati.Questi guys now are fertilizer for the fiori.Sentiteli whisper their warning: CARPE DIEM ! MAKE YOUR LIFE EXTRAORDINARY!. "Yeah, could not resist the allure of Mr. Keating, and I always wanted to see him as a professor.
This wonderful film, now that I know by heart because having it in the box ' i went to see him in power, taught me to stand in the world, never miss a moment, why is it so no one knows when they will leave, and if we feel today so invincible, we are food for worms one day.
That's whispering "carpe diem! You make your lives extraordinary" I often come to mind ... while running on the motorway and then slow down. Or while I'm about to take a crap. And then think.
I dreamed of going to a cave as his students to read the poems of Byron, Emerson, Thoreau: "I went into the woods because I wanted to live in wisdom and deep, sucking all the marrow of life, and rout all what is not life, and not to notice, at death, not to be ever lived. " These poets belong to the romanticism U.S., a current for the Italians, completely unknown from the time when you study at school barely our poets, and even a bloody rag of the French poets (for the reading of which would require a basic knowledge of French), Byron or someone might mistake for the referee infamous.
Oh no, the real Byron, Lord Byron, was one of the greatest exponents of English Romanticism, coming to die in the attempt to help the Greeks during the war of independence against the Ottoman Empire .
However, romance is the current historic win for me at all, the most interesting, the most fertile, the most engaging and the film focuses on it and on the ideal of Horace's Carpe diem.
Carpe Diem, which is not live for pleasure or for excess, but to live with awareness, build and try to improve continuously.

" or me, O life!
questions like these haunt me
endless processions of infidels
crowded city fools
that there is new about this?
O me, O life!
Answer: that you're here.
that life exists and identity
that the powerful play goes
and that you can contribute a verse . "

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tawnee Stonewikipedia

pointless to deny that television shows have a huge impact on the world of fashion, there are millions of dollars for dressing the Sex and the City, Gossip Girl, Desperate Housewives, etc. ..
Needless to say, my favorite, such as character and style, is certainly the evil Blair Waldorf.
His style is very elegant, refined and at the college at times. The style is softened with colorful socks, headbands and tie that gives so much the air of good girl.
imitate his style is very difficult, just a wrong color or a boss who skips all the rest.
The combination of red-blue is a must, especially during the day and evening use softer tones such as cream or powder.
You play very on the contrary: a brightly colored sweater and skirt for a more subtle color, maybe the same shade.

Autumn is the best time to show off colorful coats reminding her a bit, long day and with dancers heels in the evening.
sweater and jacket is the best combination for the day, with a line or flared skirt.
must-have accessories: gloves, caps 20 years, headbands, bows.
Bags: varies from dress to dress, wearing large bags of day and evening clutches and clutch, also studded with swarovski.
advice: buy the stockings on the tone of the bag, the same color or same strength, can not go wrong!

Best Shoes To Take Skiing

Arrivederci Roma! Romeo and Juliet

A him on facebook I have to admit: I did meet someone very special, unique and very similar to my tastes, because we are both passionate about fashion and glam rock.
From this, his name on facebook Rockele. Do you remember Rebecca I love shopping? He would have everything to learn from Rockele, which is a true Buyer compulsive and therefore knows all the coolest corners of Rome where you can buy good merchandise at low prices. We had met in July, but the real shopping we did yesterday afternoon. In fact two weeks ago I said "dear, you really need to come to Rome, there are discount at H & M and I found a place that will drive you insane. "Having said that, I left with € 300, at 15 I came to the station and take in the event despite metalworkers' we still managed to quietly do our laps and have fun like crazy.
The place I would go crazy (and it really did) was an outlet of any brand of shoes hidden in the area can not be said .. eheh!
And here is the result of this fantastic afternoon

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pancreatic Cancer Alkaline Vegetables

"The action takes place in fair Verona
where two families of equal nobility
to ancient hatred comes a new discord
that bloodstained hands of citizens.
enemies descend from these two lovers,
that, contrary born under the star.
after pitiful stories, with their
death, crushed the hate part. "

The comedy world's most beautiful.
dramatist Shakespeare is my favorite (with Sophocles) and occasionally, reading or thinking the beauty and genius of his works, I think how great it was.
greatness in literature for me is quantified in the malleability of the work in adapting so perfectly to all ages, customs, society, environment etc. feature they have the classics, and without which there would be exactly classical.
Romeo and Juliet is obviously one of the greatest works ever written, because reading it is impossible not to have anxiety when the message to Romeo in Mantua is lost, it is impossible not to despair with Juliet when her father wants to marry her to a another, and yet, it is impossible not to be with great sadness and a sense of emptiness Finally, when both die from a fatal error.
as well as "The Merchant of Venice ', which was recently shot a beautiful film, with an unrecognizable Al Pacino as Shylock.
How can you resist the charm of the door that suddenly a lawyer and with impressive clarity and a dialectic, is able to reverse the process and to go to ruin the evil jew? I leave with a piece taken from Act I, Scene V, set in a masquerade ball in which Romeo sees Juliet for the first time.

Oh, she teaches the torches how to shine.
seems to hang on face of the night
rich as the ear of an Ethiopian gem.
But beauty is of immense value
that no one will, too precious for
white dove in a long line of crows
seems the girl among her companions.
I want to see, after this dance;
as I'd be happy if my rough hand
that his touch. He never loved my heart?
Negate, eye: before this night
I never saw the beauty.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Low Height Shower Doors

Details make the difference

And as I said in previous posts, are the details that make the difference.
Details namely shoes, handbags, jewelry, accessories such as brooches, rings, scarves ..
personally use a lot of the bands, pearls, silk scarves. But my real passion are the shoes I would be able to spend half of my savings for the shoes.
If I go shopping, you can be sure that half of the budget will end in a pair of shoes that end up on the shelves to complete my collection.
And like all passionate about shoes, I can not love the madness Louboutin, Manolo Blahnik, Zanotti, Sergio Rossi, Casadei, Alexander McQueen ...
This is a part of my collection, I miss some because I brought in my home university.
next to the brown boots (I wore all winter, and whose effects are evident), there are cuissardes suede, you do not understand are very high because all bent, and those are brown skin very soft.

online I bought two more pairs of shoes (high heels, of course) so as soon as I arrive will get the picture ..
I hope you enjoy!

Queen B.

Ikea Glazing Paint Not Dry

Fashion is what one wears. What else is out of fashion wear.

I open new post with this fantastic aphorism of one of my favorite writers: Oscar Wilde.
As you know, if you know the character, his aphorisms contained oxymorons: concepts in opposition to each other, the better to hit the his cynicism and his provocation.
fact that if it says "wear what the other is out of fashion" is to be noted that the term fashion is "a collective behavior with changing criteria": And the fashion 'what others are wearing.
What the teacher wants to tell us with his aphorism? That what we all end up wearing no longer a fad.
There is no art in conformity.

My style is bon ton, is not in my fashion magazines, I create.
My motto: details make a difference, and I intend to detail accessories, shoes in the first place. And like Carrie, I am also a sufferer of high heels! In my passion I will devote the next post.
Saturday night? will not give up my coat and of course the heel 10.
bag, I wanted to dare: in yellow skin, crisp cool gift from my boyfriend.

Coat: United Colors of Benetton
Shoes:Christian Louboutin

To exit this afternoon, I chose a look halfway between Blair and Carrie: Carrie's shoes, outerwear to Blair, and White damping effect "too dressy".

Coprispalle:Max & Co.
Gonna: H&M
Scarpe:Christian Louboutin

Who said that fashion is closed to over 42?
Queen B.