Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Home Made Boat Rod Holder Clamp

gift this year. Buy

Some time ago I talked about that a lot problemini people, and now, even tonight, I decided to make a nice useful gift! Why, nothing special from, not me passed out for you!
... jokes aside, I wanted to point to my (very few) readers the possibility of having a free (in my opinion) good antivurus for domestic use in the full version. I'm talking about AVG, which provides in its well-known antivirus free version a fair if not good protection at no cost (if then pornacchiate here and there too often it takes more but there ...), but as with all things free ... be content! Well I make a gift, I will indeed make their in reality, giving you the "professional" version of AVG antivirus free for a year, which means that in addition to the features of the antivirus in the free version you can also have such :
  • technical support 24 hours on 24, 7 / 7
  • multilanguage support (the free version is in English only)
  • ability to configure scans, more advanced, also including files and / or password protected archives
  • receive instant updates of new
What else to add? Oh right, where you can get it ... I'm from mica sleigh and reindeer, and you throw the virus down the chimney ... here you are a nice list of links from where you can download:
Normally, the Professional version costs € 26.90 a year subscription, but until January 17, 2008 is available this possibility after that date, the "promotion" will end . Personally I think going to lose, rather we suggest you hurry, do not change their minds before!
... let me know!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Portable Windowblinds 7

it will pass ... and your brains!

say that with a little common sense and some knowledge of biology to understand certain things, but money worth more. I think everyone has heard of some cases of meningitis here in the Veneto region, although we are the usual burdens of the country, forgotten by the world of information (if it happened "a little" further down I believe that at least some would be turned form of warning). We make a brief summary: everything part by the death of a boy of fifteen years during the night between 12 and 13 December in the province of Treviso. Then other cases, can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and start the procedure of vaccination "mass" in the province of Treviso, but in the meantime, experts ensure that there is no need to alarm, no need to create psychosis as " no warning, everything under control, meningitis is limited . Then (by chance) is recorded a new infection, Padua, and the epidemic apparently began to move, almost like walking alone. But everything is under control. The Turkish Minister of Health Livia, who with his degree in philosophy in fact, it means a lot of these things, in the Senate is preparing to declare that "the outbreak of the Veneto occurred in a young population aggregated in a time of considerable physical stress and, presumably in the presence of a particularly aggressive strain of Meningococcal, encouraging ' evolution and prognosis of this very uncommon disease , "even though I did not understand how I managed to ascertain that the infected were subject to considerable physical stress.
There are some things to say that nobody has ever said so far about meningitis, and if I say something wrong to trust anyone in the corrections of being knowledgeable in the field should say a word about such David, a graduate in medicine. In particular, ignoring the different types of viruses and bacteria that cause meningitis, I would like to highlight what are the routes of transmission of the disease, stating that "the infection occurs from person to person by close contact in crowded environments and the bacterium can not to survive in the environment or in food, drinks or objects that are not effective for disinfection of environmental risk and there is an epidemic that goes beyond the circuit of the close contacts of cases . It is therefore an infection favored by crowded and people crowded in enclosed places, I think I say something that is already written in the above quote, but I wanted to comment on this (let's call) "identikit" sites of infection. Well, I think it is not difficult at Christmas time to find which sites are all'identikit ... well I think now shopping malls, cinemas and restaurants, supermarkets, buses, and so on, if you object pure nonsense story . Misfortune, however, wished that this outbreak of meningitis just happen at Christmas time, because certain sectors of the economy are waiting for a long time to "plug" the holes in other times of the year and make money. Well, I would say are good ... but the point is not here, is elsewhere. Lies in information, the disclosure to ordinary people about how the disease spreads, in going to demand an explanation for those few days after "the first death" had the courage to say that there is no need alarm because the situation is limited and under control, so under control that it was decided to move to strong methods, the mass vaccination by age, the youngest first and then the others to follow. These people should be called upon to shed light to understand why they said things that anyone here has been perceived as wrong without being in the industry.
I'm not describing imaginary scenarios, but the reality, that reality is not so saccharine as it is described not to create alarm in the population (that is meant is we, you and I are people ...). But why not say how really matters? Why not give the right emphasis to the fact that the situation is not as limited as they say because you are moving in Padua? Why not think about the people who are perhaps appropriate to stay at home and avoid crowded places mentioned above and others similar? Why not say that mass vaccination is a means of "heavy", is a symptom of something else, that it is a " practice for infectious disease with morbidity and / or high mortality and against which no other prophylactic methods ? Well I do not know certain answers to give, but my common sense, yes, and my common sense tells me that Christmas shopping can go to hell, I me I'm at home, to hell with their news and rumors, to hell with the economy (no Christmas shopping where does it go?), we have here a little squeezing even if we do not see, and maybe if someone decides to tell the truth, perhaps in the coming days would prevent new infections, which given the amount of people who accalcherà commericiali in the various centers in the area I see as possible, simply because one ignorant bearer in the crowd and who knows how many people will be infected. Of course, all of whom will be in a state of considerable physical stress ...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Emily Breast Expansion

Links to other blog friends!

In this post, which will be linked directly from the homepage of the blog, will publish links to other blog friends invoevoluzione . The need for this choice lies in increasing the blog with which it has been an exchange link, and this little space on the homepage. If you wish to be linked to leave a comment to this post and I'll find a minute space or here or on the homepage!
Thanks to all of you who linked me!
Oh I forgot, if you prefer, rather than leave a comment to this post, you can also send an email to be linked! As soon as I have time I will answer, leggicchiato and after a while your blog will look into it!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Responsible Investing Questionnaire

Invo-advertising. Overhead

For some time I have been following the blog of a girl who is in a difficult time in his life, the blog that I stumbled upon reading the comments to a blog post Sw4n , one of the most prominent bloggers in Italy. The girl in question wrote anonymously, or rather, does not first and last names but it still represents a very moving personal story that is going through at this time and thoughts that arise in her. Do not expect rare diseases, natural disasters, fundraising or anything else, it gets worse in the world compared to his situation, but I still touching the manner in which he outlines his concerns. I invite you to go to her and read all the posts he has written (in order of time to understand ... they are so few) and, possibly, and if you dare to leave some comment, of course, comments strappalink and maybe leave a smiley by ...

Scacco to the heart in three moves

do not know why this blog I do not know bloghetto futile for heart problems, rather than appreciate the honest way to write and describe feelings and thoughts, and while I read I try to imagine his discomfort, perhaps pain.

... forgive me if any of you had already written about her ......

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Best Bang For The Buck Hd Camcorder

. I am always

say about it being depressed, that no longer responds to comments and emails that have disappeared, which I do not write anything because they are demoralized. Well, indeed emmale, you're wrong because I am here and I'm here, I'm reading your blog as always and even though I do not give signs of life in the form of all comments I read, from Alessio until you get to David , through Baol , Heike (change of identity?), and Sdreng Artemisia . And by that I receive an invitation to continue a sort of chain letter ribbattezzata as "itinerant interview, which aims to reveal what lies at the basis of our" blogging "to which I participate with pleasure.

Your first post?
Here it is, absolutely I'm not ashamed, because not even know what a blog, and even though it seemed written by a teenage boy I do not regret that the blog was initially purely personal, as born from a situation of "emotional distress".

's post that you are ashamed of anymore?
No, what I write in every post is the result of my thoughts, good or bad, my sack of flour, like it or less, so I'm not ashamed of any of the posts you've written so far.

's post you are most proud of?
More than one of my posts I like, and it was hard to decide, but in the end won the day this .

As you think you'll continue to write on your blog?
Until believe in a better world, answer true dreamer? Yes you are right, well then correcting the target and say, well, I write, which I think will continue to keep up this blog as long as I have in me the hope that someone reads what I write about life and open your eyes to reality, because I firmly believe that we are doing to steal the life and time out of life and time. Say I have a swelled head? Well I am a dreamer, but what I write is just what I see with my eyes and my mind and my heart draw in thoughts and feelings.

That's it, from what I understand about the chains now I have to appoint some people who keep alive the thing, right? Well then let's start with you over there, from which I have seen, it is unnecessary for you to hide du hängst ! And then I would say that even nearby Stefano, Baol and Van der Blogger can have their say ... and you too skyeyes , so come on!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sem Dental Bur Images


He goes in spoonfuls of sunshine and thoughts of frost this fall, the fields where the evening strolling a blanket of mist, mysterious approach to the secrets of night.
The mornings, before dawn, and are made of crystal the breath of earth dissolves lazy to kiss the new day.
Now the wait is more intense, is the latest colors and jeweled, intimate meditations on the water slide and dissolve horizon.
Life grain runs through the pages of a book, tasty music, only a few moments, only mine.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

How Does A Djembe Make Sound


... sometimes I lose, I do not understand, things become small boulders, and go back too introspective, I'll be immature teenager.
happens when you do not have enough time for me and who or what I love. Or maybe I do not even know when it happens, comes just as a perturbation, and upsets everyone and everything. It hurts me because everything I've become a doubt, including myself.
I do not want questions, I have already too many who do not give answers.

Monday, November 5, 2007

When Traveling In Rural

Thoughts of Autumn November

I waited and let the time ran on its own, saying, "It will fall, while we live the present." And then you get intimate with your load, and once again surprised me with your glory as a prelude to the end of the year a beauty that I remember, forget, until you get in the spirit sopisco.

you dear friend to my loneliness, my season, the echo of my essence, and I find myself thinking that this is my life, after waiting for a magnificent warm, full of golden light, in to collect the fruits of summer. It turns off the fear of winter.

Monday, October 29, 2007

How Long Does It Take To Gy Mouth Cancer?

A bit of futility ...

... for once I posted a song ...

... too bad that this girl does not appreciate anyone, because I think it is rather good, go ahead a look around on youtube and her if you like ...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Wooden Porch Skirting Designs

findings, yet another part.

Artemisia Cara, thank you for your long comment, I appreciate it so much that you dedicate a post! Returning to our discussion (this reported in the previous post for those who do not understand what is flashing in my head), I wanted to clarify that my analysis is based on a reworking of the headlines of newspapers and television news, from what is sees every day going around, from what the mind produces putting together all these inputs and making connections. And all the while connecting countries to look also not too far away I can not help thinking "but where are they now?". I hear from reliable sources and from personal experience that a PhD is salaried in France with just under two thousand Euros per month and how do I do not think that's eight to nine hundred euro that give our students do not have a economic misery and intellectual, if not an insult ? When I see two pictures that depict a an Italian hospital and that of an Indian hospital often the difference is the color of the skin of those who is in it. If every time you cross ambulance sirens zooming to think that stipendiuccio SUEM give operators who share your life in your hands when you understood something and that there are difficulties in the voluntary sector it (I've been a member for almost three years, just in health) because of the usual recommendations and friendships that form the basis of everything, I can not help thinking that everything or almost everything in this country stinks of rot, is infected by the personal interests of the few that run in the evening with big cars to get you to fill your belly in luxurious restaurants. And speaking of young people? The generation of the next generation will be a precarious thirties, without a job and without a family, a generation that expect the employment contract to marry, and live out in the meantime. And do not delude ourselves that the scourge of the work to be remedied at the end ... the reason for this madness is not incomprehensible, indeed, simply the fruit fixed-term employment rather than the open-ended in terms of pension contributions, much, much more , to be precise almost 400% more, and do not have this chance ever said look a bit. In fact I miss the information works correctly, if someone is a journalist who uncovers the sewers should be closed immediately, because the important thing is to go on the cart, one million people in the streets to ask for a job that allows him to build a future are less important The Pope goes to Naples to say that the usual mass. All these are just drops in a sea of \u200b\u200bscandals, which are no longer overshadowed properly, the sheet has become too short and not enough to cover the crap that we are under, not enough of the stupid news dog saved from Firefighters in New York to brighten the days, the good news coming from our house ... if anything important is never funny, like those of a trade union is angry because the workers of a major Italian industry is given a meager monthly increase, but we realize? I may be pessimistic but I do not think enough people have yet realized to what direction we are sailing, I do not know if there later there are the dried or the Bermuda Triangle ...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Male Genitalexamination


We learn from the leaf paths of our journey.

His birth is tender beauty, its shadow and embrace life full of sympathy.

Then, in autumn, a garish masquerade ball. Embrace pleased his rider, the wind at the end of September, then, after whispering a final goodbye, it comes off gently from its branch and serene, let go, dancing its most beautiful pirouette into the arms of her lover. Closing his eyes slowly abandon, confident that eventually there will be ground to accept, love and silent, that land that has nourished his soul and his essence in life and that, faithful to the promise, saying the host itself Finally making it a precious gift.

We learn from the leaf of a life gay cool, a warm farewell of trust, letting go, dancing in the arms of Love.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Wer Ist Mysterio South Park


Dear sirs, I made some observations in this time of writing little. And I'd like to share with you, just to see if I have derailed and I see that I'm wrong or if I'm not actually all wrong.
Well I have the impression that we live in a country that is starting to brain death, which no longer goes to vote because they trust in institutions is zero, thinks only of money that every morning he jumped off the bed, but only because without those not eating. Normal people do not have time for nothing work, eat, sleep and sometimes people can meet their needs more animals, because love is so different from the sweep, head got to do what and how much time you free, a bit like the hard disk of the damn computer to which we they stand in front of ten hours a day. Here those who work less earn more money because here are people who cheat, criminals, extorting, fields on the lives of others. And so are you living, increase drug addicts, alcoholics, whores make money just because we do not have the coolness to get us to warm the hearts of those around us, we expect just from everything and everyone. Whether the pope did not I come to speak of the social fabric, it should rather talk of a torn canvas. I so much wanted to name a four to those idiots who want reality shows and stupid with several wicks, and were it not that in this period is so popular I would have already sent in writing.
A country with an empty head, here's what appears on the horizon, a beautiful country of illiterates with three phones to talk about anything, and the frenzy of the Internet when not even know how to write in Italian so I do not say correct, but decent. The future is very rosy, and the first signs are already there: take away the football, cooking and fashion are here or almost nothing remains. Young people are in disarray, those of alcohol and generation of big brother, those who have the future in their hands, or rather should have it, but is instead in the hands of stoned seventies who build the future on another project contracts to ensure that you gentlemen will receive the full pension and to those directly affected anything. Here there is no money for anything that does not need, indeed, I expressed myself badly, all that you do not need the money to those who gave them to us already. Public services are reaching outrageous levels for an industrialized country, dwarfing the health, academia and research in general are in pieces, justice can not be guaranteed unless he runs it, the authorities have more resources to cope inperante delinquency, and in the meantime, think about how to decorate the bridge over the Strait.
What a life then with the neighbors, too bad, ours are just as annoying, the ones who always wear the same color to be clear, there are those who believe in chastity and demonize the condom but then have fun with each other (just , the condom there is a little less), the important thing is to put everything to rest because I forgot that the information is controlled, and even our beautiful blogghettini shortly. And the air we breathe stinks, stinks of rotten stench of cheating, of tricks not to be fit if you're among those who can use them and otherwise amen, so then with the turn of the indultino do away with you and You can return to do what you ordered to jail a few years earlier. We are a land of conquest, our streets after ten o'clock at night are the property of delinquency Romanian, Moroccan and the rest. And you say well about it being racist, but I swear that I was not at all.
The nonsense out there, and once again sponsored by the laws of the state, you see people who are not allowed to do their jobs because they otherwise would uncover smelly sewers, people who are allowed to do everything and others are not allowed not even to buy a fake bag because some say it would be more just rubbish full salary for one of the pieces of skin Sewn in China, but signed. This is where lies the difference: they are allowed and we do not. One day perhaps we will thank China.

Use something to your blog, and Internet media you have available, as long as possible, because he pulls a bad air. The pressure cooker is boiling a little too much.
What am I even close the blog, but I want to say what I see.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Nervous About Gallbladder Polyps

time no rewrites. The poster

Guys, there's nothing to do, I have too many things to do and I'm sorry I can not write on blogs, right now that even the illustrious senator dear Mr Minister Clemente Mastella if they have managed to open one, even with the proper precautions necessary to show that democracy is taught to him. Ah, I forgot, until now despite the civil comments that I have left I do not have a published, or perhaps one, dear to censorship. Fortunately, to restore the balance we thought someone ... and someone else ... e. .. yet another ! Poor him ...

As for me I started training a pre-university (the opposite of normal people in fact) I do not know if you wish me to succeed or do they hope to finish soon, we'll see, 's sphere interests me ... and I think a lot of things to write about but I do not have the time.

soon guys ... I hope to return before you forget me ...!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Exotic Mammal Breeders

The most beautiful gift

It tangles my time and flies in crazy races. Then slows down and gentle, quiet, you meditative moments, and gives them again mocking. Time to music or pain, joy, sick, hungry, always precious.

grins to my dismay, comforts and heals the guiding path. Ages, jumping, dragging tired, his eyes bound up with me and I reveal the secret of wisdom, questioning is not responding.

Dona beauty and removing it teaches me the value of things. It is silent and talkative fellow, still young and yet ancient, yet all shared, magician, prophet, enchanted.

simple life.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Pokemon Platinum Freeze When Use Bag

Thoughts in Grey

washes for a moment the loneliness weighs on the soul, the rain, but he knows of bitter cold.
Where to find the golden poetry that warms your life?
Oh, do not stop, do not stop the rain! Your friend is a cold, your being, and offered it to those meetings so you are because it is not bitter, but rare aroma, nor frost, but fresh response to a promise of life.
remember when I left for other places, rain, remember to go back: I still need you to caress away my oppression.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Invader Zim Bowling Ball


I read it and decide that the public immediately, without thinking twice, because I could not resist.
Although I had never before devoted to this subject, not to "waste" words on something on which he had already said too much. But this could be the manifesto of all of us who have the balls overflowing, that we are perpetually angry and pissed off about what we see and hear every day, we want to scream so much among the people to know that we can not anymore and it's time to open the damn eyes and realize that this can not go.

Here it is. Our manifesto.

Take us so, maybe now you have some idea of \u200b\u200bhow things are, I hope enough to understand that there is a lot of discontent ...

Basically we do not want nothing more than to have confidence in our future ...

Grande Beppe, but now does not disappoint, We have done our best ...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Yodora Roll On Con Reily

And now? The sling.

... if you dare say I made it all up, it's not true, which are the usual jokes, now that I changed things to make them fit to make ends meet, bla bla bla. But no my dear, not really, you have to put away, resign, because it will be so again next year, and the next, and many others. I'm just sorry that this happen in a post in the blog when I receive mostly poor desperate catapulted here from who knows which search engine and that readers "regulars" are discouraged by my hiding in recent times.
We come to the point, we speak of weather, no time, no longer interest anyone, but be prepared for the future, I had made myself some
here thanks to my brand new aspherical glass, obviously bought on the Internet (you think?), and today, after 4 months I would try to make a small budget, a balance, so let's call it. Rileggetevi the post before you read what is written below the up, do not be so lazy!
Done? Re-read? Everything? For good? Ready to go then!
Below I point to point (if by mistake I forgot someone let me know you without any problems and annexed Avis offense ...) I did the spring weather, with its development, and any comments. To refute or dispute if they have not posted the link, you can insert them in the comments whether they are in my favor or against (I do not give a damn is in your pocket ...) allìapposito appropriate contact office at the bottom, very bottom, left. We start the ball rolling!
- problems of traffic and road conditions: I have lived on my skin: a 30-kilometer queue in Mestre on August 4, stuff from fear. There has been talk of 110 million vehicles on the march and our network of roads and highways has showed off the best of herself showing how the height, and not just speak in terms of capacity but also security, clarity and guidance in planning interventions deegli maintenance, also to you who are on the march in the streets this summer just past the word. Dimentivaco, Mr. Rutelli is proposing to send us on vacation in June.
- Alitalia scioperini summer: I messed. Nothing to do, but there is no sense to say that when you strike now are closing their doors and not already in shambles if we miss little. Hold on guys, if they give millions of € uro to those who fail your business sooner or later a little ding, give them to you at this point I do not know how bad that is purchased by foreign companies.
- players & co:-Seredova Buffon, Canalis-Valentino Rossi, Rodriguez (?)-Borriello (?) Yespica-Ferrari, Briatore-Gregoraci-Bruce Willis, Fiorani (which makes us by Lele Mora, was not a banker?)-Rivelli, etc.. I swear I do not read magazines, or just listen to the Tg5 Open Studio . Alternatively teletext pages 110 and 111 of Mediaset. I am disgusted.
- the catchphrase seems not to have held this summer, but a Toda Joia Toda Beleza there seems to be gone near, a certain Roy Paci, accompanied by the famous singer of the group famossissima Aretuska. Seriously, not including the song that may like or not, how many of you already knew? I do ...
- no reality, I messed bad here, actually I had to think before you write this stuff unless it's a summer with only a week of good weather no one still stands in front of the TV to monitor any transmission, but bear with me, will come ...
- oh God, is a handsome, the Melita, yes LA, although it is not the way to write in Italian. After fornicate in length and breadth of Big Brother are now Socket Candlewick, where they have the courage to face serious problems even in this semi illiterate who has nothing else apart from the tits. Good for her and for all those who made it to get where he is now. Bad for our brains, more and more on the verge of idiocy.
- Scandaletti political, well, this not it a scandal? Some time ago I would have laughed, but to cry and controesodo .- Exodus: The Bible has remained with us this summer. E political with the prostitute?
- Prodi is still here among us, there is more and more are pleased, but not because he is doing well, just because there is more there than most people have the stomach of this political class talking about and does not conclude anything, all inclusive.
- here it is, Chivu, the new ornament of football Moratti, to be added to Adriano who had already been a while! Di has spent more than a few pennies for it, but so far has played little. Chapter Ronaldinho, why is still where it was? But it was not the blow of market Galliani and Silvio? Bah ...
- doping scandals, Tour de France ... Germany ... proposed removal of live television coverage of cycling races ... enough, I say no more ...
- drought and rising prices problem: if I am correct in these days of food prices in general have increased ... and the black out? I have not seen a single one, on the edge of our network infrastructure ...
- accidents on the roads of the holidays? A gogo, apt ...
- Vatican friends, my friends, but where are they? It took the Prodi who teases on charges huh? Ah yes, poor you, now you also want to pay taxes in Europe ... those bad guys!
- Any Other ... were not there for my luck ...
Budget of all this? At 15 I guess ... mmm ... 11? Well, my crystal ball is now proven, and now on the lines are open for any advice! You say, you trust? Waiting for responses!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Examples Of Letters To New Church Members

... I forgot ...

... I also have a blog, cabbage, between sea, mountain, swimming pool and I had almost forgotten her!
Actually this bloghetto (who has also done a year in the meantime) I have not missed much in the past month, but now beginning to extend the time will pass before the computer will start to increase the number of posts! And then I have to tell the last month!
soon, is sharing the cabin as ... I usually have lots of ideas and topics to write about but I do not know then what I can achieve everything!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Letter Welcominf Church Visitor Back

The gift of water

dipping look between the lines of clear transparencies I tried different worlds where magic is the real law. In vain.
But the ceaseless motion, opers from work, I learned the art patient wisdom that points the way, so, with the gift of water, calm the fears of a path in life.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

No Prior Installation Of Rome:

... done that too!

Eh eh, you read that right, this I have arranged with a good 24 brought home thanks to a professor who realized that such an examination has nothing to do with our degree program. A ow we are at least three, I just finished attending the last semester of last year, and the "building blocks" in theory are already safe inside my book, not bad right? Yet it seems to me to be so bad ... But I found that gradually you begin to glimpse the summit fatigue and the desire to wear you down, when after three years instead of cursing, blasphemy, sleepy afternoons libraioli and mountains of notes and diagrams should be willing to give the coup de grace to those final exams that you miss. Now instead of coasting, it seems that your brain starts to feel a kind of lactic acid which makes it difficult for any reason, just nothing to do, but professor, with all due respect, but give me that wants to vote and go to hell too, no matter how hard I studied enough for me to add his autograph to the others that I have collected, by now the media has lost some importance if I want to save the brain before it is based. So much for all the tests I did I would have been sufficient up to a dozen, third In short, because of the other in some cases not even remember what color was the cover of the book or lecture but few ideas here and there, I will be delayed or that I have a short memory. What do you want, the way it is, nor yet are not altogether a bad way with the exams (something then I will have studied to arrive at this university last summer of my life), nor do I attend a university, "mail", so in short , is one of many.

Paranoia aside, I feel like leftovers from last month, now I want to do something else, I want to buy something to wear now because apart from underwear and socks have always the same 4 things on me, I want a good book to read a story I snatch the interest (I know it's sweeps (let) ing but I thought Angels and Demons), I want to sea, swimming pool, because I know that McDonald's fries are crap, grenadine, a popcorn movie, a quiet little film, have fun and be with others as when I do not know too many thoughts in mind, too many things in fact.

But above all I want tranquility, serenity, they can devote them (after all) a few days of free mind to the person I love most of all, because because of the everyday life sometimes seem to discount the feelings and instead do not have to be, even in the smallest trifles with which you show and prove that you love a person. Yes, I believe her and she has given me a place to life, and even though I have so few years behind him was the turning point that was waiting for so long. I want to spend time with her, to do all that I have not done so far because of the clouded mind, and ultimately I think it's a bit "neglected" because of some things that did not allow me to be quiet and peaceful even while I was with her, it was my fault anyway. To discover those blue eyes like the sea with that yellow outline around the pupil that I only see it, so that little face that I have recently made puppy shot, that his being soft "in itself".
Ah summer, should be the summer but I had not yet arrived to visit. That said I am going to start to release some cobwebs from the mind that harbored until a few hours ago, my little world here I come!

I feel sorry for those who have come to expect from this blog post and serious reasons such as just before the "crisis ", excuse me if I write too much of my business lately and not much interesting stuff, but lately it so, and if leggicchiando around I see that some bloggers who write shit to no end thousands of daily readers have to say that for a while I can take the license to do what most of my blog I go when I write the post. Excuse me, but lately goes like this, you will see for the future, stay hopeful!
soon my boys, I'm going to enjoy this first week of tranquility and-nothing, I would say that begins in the best possible way, with a nice summer thunderstorm ...

Monday, July 23, 2007

What Is Egypt Annual Rainfall In Egypt


sweetness of a daring robbery, the folds of glances sought, offered, I hope.
Outside, the tangle of melodies glows and precious, life slips slowly, but here is the world apart and suspended in fleeting contact with contrasts and similarities finally dissolved.

Tvcenterpara Windows 7


Yes title, its title. Never heard of a post that is titled "Title"? There is always a first time ...
The title of the post describes the total lack of desire to do these days, then today is somewhat exacerbated by the fact that tomorrow I will have the last exam before the summer (in the roadmap but we are generally to -4), I never finished so late to study. And although it is lunch time I still have to finish the first designed to give handouts, we are in good shape. Tomorrow, I will tell the story of the bear and I have the impression that for the first time in my academic career I hear you say "come back again." It will be the hot topics will be studied that just does not interest me, the desire to be sun-sea-love, I will want to do the spendthrift, who will be the final exams when she sees you will soften brain, will be that the fact of not being worried about tomorrow does not bother me and usually it is not, it will be difficult for me, you do not know what will ... but in fact I should be studying and instead I'm here to tell you that there are still not disappeared, at least for the moment ...
Prossimamante I hope to find time for some serious post "to the old days," because here in this cabin otherwise transform a jumble of nonsense already ... I do not like this post ...

forgot, congratulations to Dr. David
, which ends today with the books and enjoying a degree!

soon guys ... I return my books, or at least I try ...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

24/7 Clinics In Toronto


I hate. I hate it, even the hatred. I put my nerves with his late-adolescent stupidity, intelligence and pretend that broadcasts show the superficiality of a school, debate on topics that have neither head nor tail. I'm talking about MTV, the television channel that would give food to the young subjects to reflect on and view the musical vocation is to acquaint the younger generation is quality music that the famous voices of past if it happens. But no, we are faced with a television channel that deals with anything that does not matter, that monetize everything. The music offering is a product of youngsters with big tits plastic already remade from an early age and fitness as youngsters with swollen chest, and his voice is ok, later. All these people made and remade fed to the young until they become idols, cursed, the young do these mezzucci lever, and in fact is coming to a better generation lost their marbles, just read the forum's ul mtv site and turn up a little bit or just listen to the speeches by bus to see what future awaits us. Are destroying a future that is already in itself is not rosy, and in the meantime the most interesting things to be discussed are football, the other menate Scandaletti gossippari and the like. We deserve them the prejudices against us my dear young people.
According to them the things they deserve importance are those who and what an apple proliferation has been rebuilt and who became, falsehood reigns, money abounds, in the pockets of those who do not deserve it though. Even if a song is highly disgusting you reproduce the almost ad nauseam that you have to let it get pleasure, and then the video, I was just tired. These situations impossible to create songs that reality set in after a month (when is fine) no one will remember. It just does not take it anymore. To say nothing of what I believe is called a palimpsest. We start with the news that even Open Studio can do worse, in which there is given a series of political news that one and then you see that young people know everything else but politics and the institutions do not know anything . There is not a shred of argument, reasoning, speed counts, all in a hurry so you understand who you listen to what I want him c Apiro you, do not let him think, give them whatever they want and believe is happy. And in the meantime, the brain goes down the drain. But look for at least a curiosity time shows such as Room Riders and filth like that propose models of life "strange" we say, in a nutshell it goes in search of a hunk or a beautiful pussy that after just five minutes of conversation are willing to be happily slinguazzare, and perhaps everything happens randomly on the beach in California. Macchesfiga and watch case with a fabulous sunset. It then goes on to tamarri crap like Pimp My Ride where they make you believe that if your grandmother to bring the grinder you turn it into a blazing fireball, the place where they put the boot on your car stereo speakers so big that if you go to do spending then you would not know where to put their handbags. Enough, I have broken. Here, I got sick, especially the fact that I seem to be trying to "get used" to the young American model, a sort of "take them to small, un'elogio of superficiality and stupidity, which focuses on false values \u200b\u200band teaches young people to commodify anything, the appearance becomes important, being not important, love and sex no longer know what they are, the second became the first and if you're not for you bitch seems MTV is almost off-limits. Enough, STRO pressing the red button on the remote, and almost nearly eliminates the MTV channels of my television, why not stand it anymore.

And what do you do? Do as you like, but I had not written things without sense, try it yourself using my brain to watch MTV, however, and then let me know what you think. In the meantime I've thought about a little thing, if you agree with me you can show off your beautiful blogghettino this bullet markers in the abundant free time that I've created. The picture below does not reflect the exact dimensions of the banner, but copying the codicil magic here below and pasting it into your template will get a banner identical to mine and with the same size, exactly like the one that you see on the right!

Below you carry the codicil html to copy and paste into your blog template where you want:

In the event you decide to join my "idea" by exposing the banner that I created I would like to leave me a comment to this post, or if you want you can also send a mail!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Projector Battery Pack

There are still ...

Yes, after a day of total alienation from AutoCAD'm slowly going back to the normal rhythms of life who is not at the computer until 4 am every night. And sorry if I have only recently responded to all the comments you left me, but unfortunately I have to detoxify preferred to keep the computer off for a few days, because when run in written during the television news pictures of you and you go there to move the mouse means it's time to leave the computer for a while, before rimbecillire totally. Fortunately I have earned a little crazy 27, where "poor" should be read considering what I have been working on designs for the level of initial preparation I had, and a good 29, where "good" should be seen as value for money, I will 5 attended classes throughout the duration of the course and some arguments I have scarcely acquired any knowledge ... but this is the university, and mine is also in that series. If then there are people who work in pairs and gets a 30 with the work of others who may not really understand day ...
For now I do not know when I can return to posting in a serious way, because some post I need a bit of research and development work to spend time at the moment I have not, I'm still working on ideas that I hope will be decent, and that will help keep the cabin is still standing for a while! Although I must say thanks to you today is still open ...
For now I leave you with a video found on youtube usually
, which tells us how some days we see the "beautiful country", a good time though ...

... and you? Have you ever been abroad? What do you think?
me for example, see the d'Alema going to races during the days of the week in which ordinary people working suggests that the real Italian foreign minister is another, but this is just my opinion! And in the meantime I think if we look abroad in more than a few laugh at the end ... why blame him? We're all in this together ...

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Vintage Doll Pram For Sale

But I wonder ...

... how the hell do you write in a certain way!
Cut attributes to the loser, even waste time slamming the buttons on the keyboard to write a book in Word to university obvious purpose "teaching" but he personalizes in obscene ways! And I do not mean obscene formatting, font, text spacing and the like but I intend to make every "no" a "nn", every "ch" a "k", each word with more than 5 characters, the shortening with a "prop "you do not know if more is there to say" property "or" proportionality. " And when I found a poika I'm thinkin bout Pokemon, do not know why because I never even looked, I hated them, hate them, are stupid, poke ball, but what is it? Better the old and decrepit now retired He-Man of my time. But obviously you write so that the little creatures yellow television the brain you have crushed, or even "SPAP. Guess the rest of you, so you understand by the same. But at this point to have the test sends a message to the professor on the phone, please first ugly idiot shortened. Will cost so much more than twenty letters on a page? Eh? That you are dystrophic? If a page is 700 words is an effort to add 30 more monstrous? Oh yes, I am much as 5% more, and yes, a sweat.
How the heck are you doing?! And then you say "yes of course by then the same ...", a cabbage, I do on the head "you know the same" You're a vulgar illiteracy of course. And you're just twenty to eighty we speak? Yet know to make your signature? Not to mention the verb then you can cripple even if the tenses are copying from a book! If you graduate you revoke the degree, you can not miss to write in your native language. You tear the front of the eyes, illiterate! Other than the third, I give you the vocabulary v I, on the head I'll shoot! Other than Erasmus, elementary school, to learn how to spell.
And now I spent Sunday afternoon in front of the computer to re-read those things that should already be fine and ready to read and study and instead I have to decipher to go in search of the meaning of obscure certain sequences of letters ... I hate you. AutoCAD there was enough ... now you did ally with Word.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What Braces To Fix Bite

The Alchemist Shop

Puffs and undertow in the curved stills,
solfeggios, ballads, smoky brew
of voices, colors, lively reproaches,
battles bubbles, suck, grimace,
gypsy sounds of castanets Hispanic,
bickering of cats, frogs greenish
mixtures in a storm,
vapors gnarled,
flashes of slop,
turbot derogatory, foul-mouthed
harshness of sound, sbombazzi,
pouring drops sbuzzanti,
whistles drones, awkward falsetto,
procurer drops, fights, storms
silent opalescence of arcane ancient

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Allergic Reaction From Waxing And How To Fix It


will put order in the space of memories and, dipping his fingers will draw my moments in the past.
For once, let them fall to the bottom of the bitterest moments, which remain more expensive than just my hands, in order to tighten the spirits tell me you still loved and will be as has already been a sparkling glow, a sudden light that turns off the dark corners of the soul.