Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chikangroping On Train


"If the policeman Salvo D'Acquisto could decide to sacrifice himself for something he believed in, why can not the sacrificial victim of a satanic cult? "

Stephen King

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Medicines That Make Polyneuropathy Worse.

Sensations ...

Waking up in the air with the scent of coffee was something that was always in a good mood.
the intense aroma of roasted beans in the air expanded gradually losing one's being so intoxicating and becoming more sensitive, reaching to his nostrils a little 'numb from sleep from which they had just emerged .
The fact that she was blind did not prevent her to do household chores like any home-sighted, and although her husband had long proposed to hire a maid, she had always politely declined.
Probably, he also that he loved her, thought-Serena-despite its being so independent that its .. feature. But after all, the blind could not know that that condition gradually get used, and could not realize that in many cases were the likes of Serena to be an advantage.
thought back to that day, a child, where the park picked up a rabbit.
The hair so soft tickling the palm of your hand, gently teased the mustache back and could hear the sound of his heart, muffled, telling her "you see, I have a heart like you."
He was listening to the beat of that little heart on putting down her cheek soft belly of the bunny, and felt happy.
He got out of bed, put his hands on the chair in which to search for her robe, calmly wrapped himself. A chill went down the back, and that began toward the bathroom, got dressed and began her chores.
sons and her husband had left the house. Insert a CD of Beethoven on the stereo and began to listen carefully while cleaning the floor.
was the pastoral, one of his favorite compositions. When there were people in the house he never the music, it was very selfish in this regard, preferring to keep those emotions in themselves. It must have been only she and her music, too intimate a dialogue, only develop between two souls.
Moreover, despite being tolerant nature, could not bear her children on her own husband or offend her music. And then they could not understand ... no one could.
He picked her long hair while those notes came inside her. There was, to disturb the poor having to clean a floor, where she was the symphony the door to heaven.
was the orchestra to make them see the sunset, the clarinet to embellish his horizon with a few white cloud and timid, the crescendo of violins that tinged the sky with purple and magenta and the flutes that blew over the green leaves sprinkled with gold, in a vision so beautiful and wonderful as to be almost unbearable.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

What Can I Buy With My Lone Star Card


updated calendar of all activities.

The events are held in Milan at Area Eclectika , Mariano Comense (CO) at the Library Virgy , Sesto San Giovanni (MI) at Pow Wow , Brembate (BG) at The Source Angel , Gessate (MI), Florence, Rome and other places.

View all posters meetings.

Women Wrestling Scissors

In Balance

IN BALANCE is a program that accompanies the discovery
your balance both physical and internal.

With breathing, the presence and exercises, you can find balance inside and outside the body, opening and relaxing the energy
retained by tension and contractions.

The posture exercises to help your body find its balance physical, so-called "center of gravity, which allows the proper muscular balance and promotes the optimal functioning of the organs , allowing the tensions to dissolve and giving physical comfort and good health.

When the body is in equilibrium, the energies flow better, you feel more active
and is easier to sleep and relax, because stress and tension
are downloaded more easily from a healthy body.

Being "present" during the exercises means listening to the body and feelings, noting what has changed and how we feel when we experience a posture different from the usual. We also see what are the constant pain to which we are accustomed, but which help to make us feel tired, listless, sad or angry.

maintain its presence can continue to see their movements outside of the class and then bring more awareness to themselves and in their lives.

It turns out the vast difference between automatic and conscious action .


MONDAY 'March 14
20:00 PM

Reservations required

How Do Women Wear Compression Shorts


Meditation is a state of presence and for every person and living being manifests itself in a very personal way. The meditation and relaxation, essentially. That does not mean immobility, boredom or indifference ... is simply a way of do's and don'ts in a relaxed state, with no worries or concerns. Meditation is to rely, to recognize the connection between things, events and people. Meditation happens when you let go of all the certainties and we rely upon, flowing and dancing with each breath.

There are many meditation techniques, or Active Static, each best suited to contact a certain state, such as energy recovery, listening to a part of the body, relaxation ...

Apply the techniques of meditation is useful for awakening the body, find listening and sensitivity, open channels and dissolve physical and emotional tensions.

Meditation happens at any time, any place while you work ... unfolds like a flower ... and simply, it is.

The next meeting of the Heart Meditation, Tuesday, April 19.

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... love for your body, let it lead to deepest and most enjoyable experiences of movement and stasis ... in a continuous flow of energy that goes in and out, through and cleans, restores and care ...



Touch is a sense ch and involves the entire skin,
the hands as the legs, face, back ...

touch our body with the same sensitivity and attention
allows us to bring love and delicacy,
capability to ease tension, protect,
open to trust, heal, bring joy ...

When we are at peace with our bodies
and we are open to gently
we can go further and expand our boundaries,
exploring the outside with the same sensitivity.

meet so the earth, objects, people
in a gentle fluid movement and delicate
yet so deep and soft.

This is a delicate dance and immense
that expands all of our senses.

Groping In A Japanese



The Tarot is intended as a tool for growth and support the inner journey of self-knowledge.
individual sessions become an important moment in which to clarify on the parts of us confused and know their inner resources to overcome the ideal moment with awareness.
addition to the readings on time, you can get the cards of the Person:
. Charter Personality
. Charter Character
. Cards of Destiny
. Charter Growth
. Charter Name
can be a complete reading of the Person with cards of Personality, Character, Growth and Name of Charter.
A Reading Self is one of Destiny.

Divided into parts that create a path of teaching and intuitive knowledge of Tarot, the course teaches Archetypes, symbols, history and meanings of the cards, sending their message of spiritual growth and giving guidance on how to interpret and be guided by them knows ggezza.

Some Tarot Crowley ...

The next event of the Tarot, Sunday, March 27, 2011.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How To Fix My Bosch Dishwasher

* Dedicated to the movement, listening to the body, expressing themselves through drawing. *

- When you listen to yourself and choose a color -

- you're choosing how to express what you feel. -

- Drawing is a way to give form to sensations -

- and eventually the design becomes a mirror of you -

- that reflects your essence and you show your quality -

- your resources, the doors to access your desires. -

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A List Of Property Management In Toronto


Love fired me and went to live on a desert island!
I'll be Robinson Crusoe!
I'll call you Friday!
Before the cell because I have no exhaust!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Stages Of Endometriosis

Do not touch my DOG!

One of my passions, which we will not ever have dogs.
When I was little, like all the girls dreamed of a puppy to cuddle, but my battle was getting a long and full of obstacles opposed me because my speech obvious, like "the dog you want, then tap we take care of him. "
Between my father, who preferred a cat (a Carthusian monk) and my mother would have opted for the dog (she had grown up with a beautiful Great Dane) in the end I won and I one day went by "bar", a shelter nearby that maybe now they have shut down.
I remember we were trying to decide between two Husky and half doberman, and in our path around the kennel pitbull was a poor blind man who followed us from far away ... where the eyes of ice I they fear and I ran crying to the terror XD
While I was in a panic because of the pitbull, my mother came out of a cage with a puppy in her arms: was beautiful, the colors of rottweiler dachshund and the muzzle. That was our dog for years ... Even today, when I think of him, I can not hold back the tears. It 'been a faithful dog, reserved, good.
He stood all day in the sun on a wall outside the gate, so that while he could also enjoy getting to be wary of anyone entering our property.
has witnessed the most difficult period of my life, knew all my secrets, and consoled me when I was sad. He heard me play guitar, repeats the lesson, talking on the phone with her friends.
At night he slept on his bed of foam that had my grandmother, and woe to the woman cleaning the next day, he tried to drive him to dust!
winter was lying on the carpet near the fireplace, she loved our house, he loved us, his family.
He left in 2007, showing great dignity even in death: he did not go into hiding somewhere, but let my mother held her paw up to the end.
few years after the adoption of Rex, my uncle brought home Charlie, a white dog that looked more like a pet than a sheep dog puppy. A lamb, soft, sweet and white to the eye.

I have some pictures that I kept on his shoulders, like the shepherds with lambs (and inevitably I was pee on the shoulder). Charlie Rex was different, much more affectionate, more "emotional," more active and playful.
A dog who suffers very little that is considered, which in my family has always happened, that when Rex, my never wanted to enter the house even Charlie (Charlie quite bulky) and have not ever given consideration.
After the death of Rex, I always have fond more to Charlie, and every time my home I do not enter, or go to play in the garden.
When I come home I see him waiting for me on the wall, as did Rex .. seems to smile, and starts barking for joy.
Each Gorno, after lunch, and wash the dishes in the kitchen, he looks at me from the window and waits for me to go to open the door, offering him a few morsels.
E 'intelligent, smart, very good ... and all those who know him say "the missing word."

Rex When he died, we needed another dog that did the guard. I wanted at all costs, a Rottweiler, my favorite race, the one that reminded me more of my little Rex. But my decided to get one at the shelter, so we brought her home Simba and Nala, two dogs who had been abandoned and who remember Rex in all respects.
I see the look in their questioning of Rex, his elegant bearing, his gentleness.
I love my dogs, they are one of the things that I love life more.

never cry in front of the most heartbreaking film, Titanic has never even managed to move me. When I saw Hachiko, I cried so much that I was afraid to feel bad.
This is the story of my dogs, my great love for these furry friends and sweets which they devote their lives to their masters.
But my dream them ... The Rottweiler! And when I have my own house, to realize this dream by adopting two or three!
For the moment, I enjoy the little Simba, Nala and the great Charlie.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Salomon Ear Pads Audio


" Linderman: There comes a time when a man has to ask if he wants a happy life or a life full of meaning.
Nathan: I'd like them both.
Linderman: Can not. They are two very different roads. To be truly happy, a man must live fully in this , here and now, no thought to what happened, no thought to what will happen.
But for a meaningful life, a man is condemned to be tormented by his past and the future be osessionato .
(Heroes, Series 1, ep. 18)

The lack of relativity will remind many readers that this is a place that advertises the lightness of being.

No. As with many other posts, here you are trying to give freedom of choice.
You choose your destiny, happiness can not be anything in life.