Saturday, March 5, 2011

What The Best Gamming Motherboard

What Dreams May Come What Dreams Al-

Chris and Annie meet on a lake bordering Switzerland, spend the afternoon together in the nature of a landscape infinitely suggestive.
That shows us that the director after the opening scene, is their life together a few years later, happily married with two children are all of their universe.
happens that one day their children, taken to school by car from Tata, they are victims of a tragic accident that will cause death. Since then it breaks something in the life of the couple that still make it through the death of her children thanks to Chris, his willpower, his motto "never give up." But even as they begin to live for and everything is back to normal, Chris died in a tunnel while trying to rescue a person trapped in the car which had overturned.
The juice of the film begins at the moment: the death of Chris and his life in the hereafter.
He finds himself in his paradise in a painting of his wife, painting depicting this beautiful Swiss landscape in which they had met, and where they dreamed of living the last years of their life together.
His Virgil is a professor of color, Albert, with whom she had been training to become a doctor, the only person that Chris had ever heard in his life.
And as he discovers life in the hereafter, his wife does not stand the pain of losing her husband and decides to commit suicide. Chris thinks he can meet her in heaven, but it is not: the suicides are in another place. "There are no rules," this is what he said Albert, Chris, and then decide that not even hell can separate them: going to take it up again at the cost of staying in hell with her.

I state that I do not like the film "sentimental" or very mushy.
There are two things I loved about this movie infinitely: the scenery, because certainly exceeds any paradise represents imagination, from colors to go with the suggestion of the landscapes and the shots from above, and ideas from various works of literature: the divine comedy, the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, el'amleto for the title of the film.
Secondly, the relationship between the two characters: a love that is capable of crossing the boundaries of life, so strong that both make sense only together, and the lack of one cancels the other. The children are put in second place to the bond that exists between the two: they are soul mates, nothing can separate them, even hell.
I attract strong feelings, I have no interest in the passions of weak and mediocre.
E 'the grandeur of the film, feelings, pain, nature, making it unique, certainly unique and unrepeatable.
"sometimes people consider impossible things that simply have never seen. "
One film that definitely remain in my heart for life, such as Dead Poets Society, Good Will Hunting and many others beyond the immediate effect and fun short-lived have some deep message will remain in your memory ...


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