Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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" Anger is a feeling of mental and emotional conflict with the outside world or with ourselves that we control and handle a little worse, because, in anger we are no longer masters of our emotions.
Anger is perceived as other than us, who can take possession of us making us lose the ability to control and use of reason.
There is anger in the idea that we something immoral in the sense that each of us identify with the rational and well educated himself, and refuses to learn how to own the passionate part of the activation of which is always responsible for each other. In fact, the passions of the body are dynamic, that is when the damage is too compressed when they are unleashed unlimited. So the anger
tablet pressing against the walls of our ego with no background in the popular imagination generates cancer, as well as his tripping up pressure, causing the heart attack or stroke.
why the sages have always said that the health of the balance of body and mind are not obtained with the suppression or removal of the passions, but with their measured expression.
For example, it is easy to get angry, they are all capable, but it is not easy and especially not everyone is angry with the right person in the right size, the right way, at the right time and for good cause. It takes intelligence, it is believed that intelligence is something conciliatory, just, good, something essentially opposed to the pulses, while it is only a certain relationship between their impulses.
must take charge of our passions, and, instead of compressing them such as the hypocrisy and common sense have taught us, we express them precisely in the right measure. That we do not see the right size when anger is expressed by the women rather than men, by poor rather than the rich.
Anger, in fact, is a way to reassert themselves and their world of values. But an angry woman is often called a hag, harpy, a hysterical, while the man when he is angry is justified because it is expected to have their reasons. This change in perception between men's and women's anger stems from the idea of \u200b\u200bconvenience to the effect that the woman should be, at any situation sweet, accommodating, indulgent, in a word, "subject". This is why women get angry in a different way from men, preferring to break eye contact and avoid dialogue rather than adequately express their dissent.
Women, more than men cry of anger, and feel guilty for the anger, and because they do not know to respond adequately. And, this shortcoming, there is also an aspect of outcome, which directly express their anger instead of women prefer to resort to slander or social ostracism, or pour out their anger in a person other than that 'caused it and who do not have the courage to face.
But the biggest difference is seen in the reaction of both sexes to the anger aroused by betrayal or abandonment.
The male reaction is mainly on the physical plane, and is expressed with oppression and violence, while the reaction tends to affect women in economic and on the emotional blackmail with their children. This is indicative of a different power situation, the same that exists between rich and poor, between oppressed and oppressors.
males, the rich, the powerful say that anger is an emotion of babies, a sign of weakness because they do not need to be angry because they can get what I want with different means.
But the anger expressed at the right time, in the right way and with the right person can sometimes wingless what you want and strengthen their self-esteem, but for this you need the right size, the very virtues that anger tends to shatter.
Otherwise, we must understand the power of emotion, so that the deprecation of the anger hidden injustice, and respect for good manners hide, to make invisible, the oppression of power.

Galimberti - 'The seven deadly sins and other vices'


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