Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Scooter Wheels Neon Green

Moods ... to guess.

Well ...

this YouTube video is different, because the gentleman in question is different.
This man is blind, and his life has toured the world, leaving Australia and wandered to New York and Los Angeles, to go back to where he started, because "I missed my island."
He Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu , an Aboriginal person blind from birth, with the help of a guitar that tells of his difficult life by marginalized in society. Tell us what it was for him to be born in a small island off the coast Northern Australia and tells the stories of its people, but honestly I can not understand a word he says (in his language, Yolngu ), and I could not find any translated text to read.
voices like his honestly remember a few, why do not you have anything special but there's something special, yes, no and the opposite of anything I would not know how to say it. Its more of a music is a "litany", something that seems to come "from his" inside ", and that if you are not very stable, gently guides you to depression. However, I believe this is not his intent, but that this effect is attributable to the design of music that has in the world West, a simple matter of cultural diversity in other words. Personally I agree that it is a prerequisite to depression but something I appreciate, as has been shown and proved that his challenge in his little himself won it (... hoping not to sink into depression).

Source: the
More video: youtube , in this particular , partly in English.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Can American Muslim Women Wear Shorts

But as a protest vote? A little honesty please.

From that, so far as not writing anything? I do not know, I lost count. Or rather I have not held.
After a while I find myself still here to write, this damn blog has survived once again, damn Pellacchia.
For a week now our "leaders" or, better employees, have changed, some people are happy and some a little less, who can not care less and those who believe that nothing will change. Personally I feel sorry for those left-wing views "extreme", because its representatives after all "no matter" to show openness towards immigrants have now been punished and will stay at home. I am happy for those who believe in Veltroni, who has promised to campaign in all and more knowing he was lying, and even for those sympathetic to Berlusconi, as can now be said to feel represented. I'm happy for the Northern League, which finally had a real claim to the polls, but I'm sad to fit with flanges & Paparazzinger Casini, which after being divided and united have lost the face . In short I'm glad, glad to see that nothing will change for the next five years, glad to know that for those who study, work, sweat and fields will not change anything, that if the person who has governed so far has put the country on its knees who the rule (if you do the same as other times) will put in a position a little more uncomfortable and painful. By the way, among them there are also those who have it tough, to say as they say, that would seem to want to give to Caesar what that are Caesar's, especially in the northeast. That part of the country populated by "polentone," those of "bad piera Goddess", that of "protest vote". The same people who have had enough to live segregated in the house, dispossessed of their city and humiliated by a bunch of thugs from different countries that are spreading like we were in the middle of a barbarian invasion. Now imagine that already some of you who usually reads me must be thinking that's not me that I write, or that are racist, that I was rotten to the brain, that tolerance, which have nothing at home, and that this . Well, maybe you do not know exactly how the affair might not know exactly so many things, but not there do something wrong, because I know that you do not tell her, television and newspapers know them too. And if you knew you'd understand maybe some posters (in any case, perhaps a little excessive) of the lady dressed in green.
not you know that here there is fear, and not a little, and that words are useless against unscrupulous people who know very little money to torture you and rape your wife with a chisel and then kill them both. You read that right, a chisel. Do not know what you can expect in the doorway of the house and threatened with a "simple" observation, I know, "do not pee on the sidewalk under the house." That older people are afraid to go to pick up the board and do the shopping because I regularly being hijacked. What you can not walk safely in a city center at night without fear, because the city has become them. Unfortunately these are not too many things, and then a moment think that those who erect walls , change the concept of "bench" and dig ditches at night is a simple racist and that there is a tendency to sensationalism magnifying isolated incidents. Here, however, the League has hit the mark, in some places had more than 50% of the vote, and believe it is a "protest vote" as he declared the usual right-thinking brains, believe those who tell you that here is fear, and not a little. Intolerance and fear is a short step if you are not protected. And this is just one aspect of the matter. There are many other issues that you do not talk about anyone, from the tax issue, because here in relation to other parts of the country "by" more to your state and "receive" least of all. There is the problem of infrastructure: to make the connection Mestre before seeing the money it takes twenty years, and 40 km of the queue every day from mid July to mid August 24 to 24 hours (the television news do not talk about traffic never or almost never, try it), while we have to run the garbage in Naples and "act quickly", in other words send millions of € uro per year, which then promptly go up in smoke when the collection here there is at least a decade and without begging (because here it seems it is now of begging). And these are just a few examples of that is the atmosphere here. Air of discontent.
Unfortunately you soon to talk about us, the "polentone" who have "the evil goddess pier" and filling his mouth with words that spew ignorance of the facts, believing that wondering who knows what. And I'm sorry to write this, because although it is not, unfortunately, these talks seem to be made by a racist person, the League believes, superficial, and all you want to add, but this is the situation I have described, with a heavy heart but it is exactly this, and no one except the gentlemen dressed in green seemed to understand it. Unfortunately, the same date also showed them not to be worthy of a major political office.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Company Has Negative Equity

Pluvia lucis

How precious stones in loose soil are the thoughts that shines through the rain and restores intact.
catch them one by one, tearing at their history and give back life to people so long gone.

The past raises its daring architecture facing the rain, warm fingers.
then dissolves into serenity.

The new promises not yield to the north wind.
spirit forged now learned the art of tasting the flavors hidden life.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wedding Not Registered, How To Ask For Gift Card

Ma ..

... this looks like a blog that is closing its doors ... or they already closed?