Monday, October 29, 2007

How Long Does It Take To Gy Mouth Cancer?

A bit of futility ...

... for once I posted a song ...

... too bad that this girl does not appreciate anyone, because I think it is rather good, go ahead a look around on youtube and her if you like ...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Wooden Porch Skirting Designs

findings, yet another part.

Artemisia Cara, thank you for your long comment, I appreciate it so much that you dedicate a post! Returning to our discussion (this reported in the previous post for those who do not understand what is flashing in my head), I wanted to clarify that my analysis is based on a reworking of the headlines of newspapers and television news, from what is sees every day going around, from what the mind produces putting together all these inputs and making connections. And all the while connecting countries to look also not too far away I can not help thinking "but where are they now?". I hear from reliable sources and from personal experience that a PhD is salaried in France with just under two thousand Euros per month and how do I do not think that's eight to nine hundred euro that give our students do not have a economic misery and intellectual, if not an insult ? When I see two pictures that depict a an Italian hospital and that of an Indian hospital often the difference is the color of the skin of those who is in it. If every time you cross ambulance sirens zooming to think that stipendiuccio SUEM give operators who share your life in your hands when you understood something and that there are difficulties in the voluntary sector it (I've been a member for almost three years, just in health) because of the usual recommendations and friendships that form the basis of everything, I can not help thinking that everything or almost everything in this country stinks of rot, is infected by the personal interests of the few that run in the evening with big cars to get you to fill your belly in luxurious restaurants. And speaking of young people? The generation of the next generation will be a precarious thirties, without a job and without a family, a generation that expect the employment contract to marry, and live out in the meantime. And do not delude ourselves that the scourge of the work to be remedied at the end ... the reason for this madness is not incomprehensible, indeed, simply the fruit fixed-term employment rather than the open-ended in terms of pension contributions, much, much more , to be precise almost 400% more, and do not have this chance ever said look a bit. In fact I miss the information works correctly, if someone is a journalist who uncovers the sewers should be closed immediately, because the important thing is to go on the cart, one million people in the streets to ask for a job that allows him to build a future are less important The Pope goes to Naples to say that the usual mass. All these are just drops in a sea of \u200b\u200bscandals, which are no longer overshadowed properly, the sheet has become too short and not enough to cover the crap that we are under, not enough of the stupid news dog saved from Firefighters in New York to brighten the days, the good news coming from our house ... if anything important is never funny, like those of a trade union is angry because the workers of a major Italian industry is given a meager monthly increase, but we realize? I may be pessimistic but I do not think enough people have yet realized to what direction we are sailing, I do not know if there later there are the dried or the Bermuda Triangle ...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Male Genitalexamination


We learn from the leaf paths of our journey.

His birth is tender beauty, its shadow and embrace life full of sympathy.

Then, in autumn, a garish masquerade ball. Embrace pleased his rider, the wind at the end of September, then, after whispering a final goodbye, it comes off gently from its branch and serene, let go, dancing its most beautiful pirouette into the arms of her lover. Closing his eyes slowly abandon, confident that eventually there will be ground to accept, love and silent, that land that has nourished his soul and his essence in life and that, faithful to the promise, saying the host itself Finally making it a precious gift.

We learn from the leaf of a life gay cool, a warm farewell of trust, letting go, dancing in the arms of Love.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Wer Ist Mysterio South Park


Dear sirs, I made some observations in this time of writing little. And I'd like to share with you, just to see if I have derailed and I see that I'm wrong or if I'm not actually all wrong.
Well I have the impression that we live in a country that is starting to brain death, which no longer goes to vote because they trust in institutions is zero, thinks only of money that every morning he jumped off the bed, but only because without those not eating. Normal people do not have time for nothing work, eat, sleep and sometimes people can meet their needs more animals, because love is so different from the sweep, head got to do what and how much time you free, a bit like the hard disk of the damn computer to which we they stand in front of ten hours a day. Here those who work less earn more money because here are people who cheat, criminals, extorting, fields on the lives of others. And so are you living, increase drug addicts, alcoholics, whores make money just because we do not have the coolness to get us to warm the hearts of those around us, we expect just from everything and everyone. Whether the pope did not I come to speak of the social fabric, it should rather talk of a torn canvas. I so much wanted to name a four to those idiots who want reality shows and stupid with several wicks, and were it not that in this period is so popular I would have already sent in writing.
A country with an empty head, here's what appears on the horizon, a beautiful country of illiterates with three phones to talk about anything, and the frenzy of the Internet when not even know how to write in Italian so I do not say correct, but decent. The future is very rosy, and the first signs are already there: take away the football, cooking and fashion are here or almost nothing remains. Young people are in disarray, those of alcohol and generation of big brother, those who have the future in their hands, or rather should have it, but is instead in the hands of stoned seventies who build the future on another project contracts to ensure that you gentlemen will receive the full pension and to those directly affected anything. Here there is no money for anything that does not need, indeed, I expressed myself badly, all that you do not need the money to those who gave them to us already. Public services are reaching outrageous levels for an industrialized country, dwarfing the health, academia and research in general are in pieces, justice can not be guaranteed unless he runs it, the authorities have more resources to cope inperante delinquency, and in the meantime, think about how to decorate the bridge over the Strait.
What a life then with the neighbors, too bad, ours are just as annoying, the ones who always wear the same color to be clear, there are those who believe in chastity and demonize the condom but then have fun with each other (just , the condom there is a little less), the important thing is to put everything to rest because I forgot that the information is controlled, and even our beautiful blogghettini shortly. And the air we breathe stinks, stinks of rotten stench of cheating, of tricks not to be fit if you're among those who can use them and otherwise amen, so then with the turn of the indultino do away with you and You can return to do what you ordered to jail a few years earlier. We are a land of conquest, our streets after ten o'clock at night are the property of delinquency Romanian, Moroccan and the rest. And you say well about it being racist, but I swear that I was not at all.
The nonsense out there, and once again sponsored by the laws of the state, you see people who are not allowed to do their jobs because they otherwise would uncover smelly sewers, people who are allowed to do everything and others are not allowed not even to buy a fake bag because some say it would be more just rubbish full salary for one of the pieces of skin Sewn in China, but signed. This is where lies the difference: they are allowed and we do not. One day perhaps we will thank China.

Use something to your blog, and Internet media you have available, as long as possible, because he pulls a bad air. The pressure cooker is boiling a little too much.
What am I even close the blog, but I want to say what I see.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Nervous About Gallbladder Polyps

time no rewrites. The poster

Guys, there's nothing to do, I have too many things to do and I'm sorry I can not write on blogs, right now that even the illustrious senator dear Mr Minister Clemente Mastella if they have managed to open one, even with the proper precautions necessary to show that democracy is taught to him. Ah, I forgot, until now despite the civil comments that I have left I do not have a published, or perhaps one, dear to censorship. Fortunately, to restore the balance we thought someone ... and someone else ... e. .. yet another ! Poor him ...

As for me I started training a pre-university (the opposite of normal people in fact) I do not know if you wish me to succeed or do they hope to finish soon, we'll see, 's sphere interests me ... and I think a lot of things to write about but I do not have the time.

soon guys ... I hope to return before you forget me ...!