Saturday, September 29, 2007

Exotic Mammal Breeders

The most beautiful gift

It tangles my time and flies in crazy races. Then slows down and gentle, quiet, you meditative moments, and gives them again mocking. Time to music or pain, joy, sick, hungry, always precious.

grins to my dismay, comforts and heals the guiding path. Ages, jumping, dragging tired, his eyes bound up with me and I reveal the secret of wisdom, questioning is not responding.

Dona beauty and removing it teaches me the value of things. It is silent and talkative fellow, still young and yet ancient, yet all shared, magician, prophet, enchanted.

simple life.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Pokemon Platinum Freeze When Use Bag

Thoughts in Grey

washes for a moment the loneliness weighs on the soul, the rain, but he knows of bitter cold.
Where to find the golden poetry that warms your life?
Oh, do not stop, do not stop the rain! Your friend is a cold, your being, and offered it to those meetings so you are because it is not bitter, but rare aroma, nor frost, but fresh response to a promise of life.
remember when I left for other places, rain, remember to go back: I still need you to caress away my oppression.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Invader Zim Bowling Ball


I read it and decide that the public immediately, without thinking twice, because I could not resist.
Although I had never before devoted to this subject, not to "waste" words on something on which he had already said too much. But this could be the manifesto of all of us who have the balls overflowing, that we are perpetually angry and pissed off about what we see and hear every day, we want to scream so much among the people to know that we can not anymore and it's time to open the damn eyes and realize that this can not go.

Here it is. Our manifesto.

Take us so, maybe now you have some idea of \u200b\u200bhow things are, I hope enough to understand that there is a lot of discontent ...

Basically we do not want nothing more than to have confidence in our future ...

Grande Beppe, but now does not disappoint, We have done our best ...

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Yodora Roll On Con Reily

And now? The sling.

... if you dare say I made it all up, it's not true, which are the usual jokes, now that I changed things to make them fit to make ends meet, bla bla bla. But no my dear, not really, you have to put away, resign, because it will be so again next year, and the next, and many others. I'm just sorry that this happen in a post in the blog when I receive mostly poor desperate catapulted here from who knows which search engine and that readers "regulars" are discouraged by my hiding in recent times.
We come to the point, we speak of weather, no time, no longer interest anyone, but be prepared for the future, I had made myself some
here thanks to my brand new aspherical glass, obviously bought on the Internet (you think?), and today, after 4 months I would try to make a small budget, a balance, so let's call it. Rileggetevi the post before you read what is written below the up, do not be so lazy!
Done? Re-read? Everything? For good? Ready to go then!
Below I point to point (if by mistake I forgot someone let me know you without any problems and annexed Avis offense ...) I did the spring weather, with its development, and any comments. To refute or dispute if they have not posted the link, you can insert them in the comments whether they are in my favor or against (I do not give a damn is in your pocket ...) allìapposito appropriate contact office at the bottom, very bottom, left. We start the ball rolling!
- problems of traffic and road conditions: I have lived on my skin: a 30-kilometer queue in Mestre on August 4, stuff from fear. There has been talk of 110 million vehicles on the march and our network of roads and highways has showed off the best of herself showing how the height, and not just speak in terms of capacity but also security, clarity and guidance in planning interventions deegli maintenance, also to you who are on the march in the streets this summer just past the word. Dimentivaco, Mr. Rutelli is proposing to send us on vacation in June.
- Alitalia scioperini summer: I messed. Nothing to do, but there is no sense to say that when you strike now are closing their doors and not already in shambles if we miss little. Hold on guys, if they give millions of € uro to those who fail your business sooner or later a little ding, give them to you at this point I do not know how bad that is purchased by foreign companies.
- players & co:-Seredova Buffon, Canalis-Valentino Rossi, Rodriguez (?)-Borriello (?) Yespica-Ferrari, Briatore-Gregoraci-Bruce Willis, Fiorani (which makes us by Lele Mora, was not a banker?)-Rivelli, etc.. I swear I do not read magazines, or just listen to the Tg5 Open Studio . Alternatively teletext pages 110 and 111 of Mediaset. I am disgusted.
- the catchphrase seems not to have held this summer, but a Toda Joia Toda Beleza there seems to be gone near, a certain Roy Paci, accompanied by the famous singer of the group famossissima Aretuska. Seriously, not including the song that may like or not, how many of you already knew? I do ...
- no reality, I messed bad here, actually I had to think before you write this stuff unless it's a summer with only a week of good weather no one still stands in front of the TV to monitor any transmission, but bear with me, will come ...
- oh God, is a handsome, the Melita, yes LA, although it is not the way to write in Italian. After fornicate in length and breadth of Big Brother are now Socket Candlewick, where they have the courage to face serious problems even in this semi illiterate who has nothing else apart from the tits. Good for her and for all those who made it to get where he is now. Bad for our brains, more and more on the verge of idiocy.
- Scandaletti political, well, this not it a scandal? Some time ago I would have laughed, but to cry and controesodo .- Exodus: The Bible has remained with us this summer. E political with the prostitute?
- Prodi is still here among us, there is more and more are pleased, but not because he is doing well, just because there is more there than most people have the stomach of this political class talking about and does not conclude anything, all inclusive.
- here it is, Chivu, the new ornament of football Moratti, to be added to Adriano who had already been a while! Di has spent more than a few pennies for it, but so far has played little. Chapter Ronaldinho, why is still where it was? But it was not the blow of market Galliani and Silvio? Bah ...
- doping scandals, Tour de France ... Germany ... proposed removal of live television coverage of cycling races ... enough, I say no more ...
- drought and rising prices problem: if I am correct in these days of food prices in general have increased ... and the black out? I have not seen a single one, on the edge of our network infrastructure ...
- accidents on the roads of the holidays? A gogo, apt ...
- Vatican friends, my friends, but where are they? It took the Prodi who teases on charges huh? Ah yes, poor you, now you also want to pay taxes in Europe ... those bad guys!
- Any Other ... were not there for my luck ...
Budget of all this? At 15 I guess ... mmm ... 11? Well, my crystal ball is now proven, and now on the lines are open for any advice! You say, you trust? Waiting for responses!